
Bright Light Medical Imaging offers every imaging modality that a patient would need,

all in one convenient location



We offer High-Field, 1.5 Tesla and Open MRI.  We produce detailed images and expert readings by our fellowship-trained radiologists.  We offer headphones with music to make the experience more comfortable.  Common MRIs include brain, spine, bones, joints, and abdomen/pelvis.  Learn More About MRI


Women's Imaging

We offer mammograms (screening and diagnostic), 3D mammograms, ABUS (automated breast ultrasound), breast biopsy, DEXA (bone density), and ultrasound.  


What do I need to do to maintain my breast health? Questions answered by our expert, Dr. Mendi

How to Do a Self Breast Exam



Our multi-detector CT produces detailed images of the body, and allows for 3D reconstructions.



Our state-of-the-art new GE ultrasound machine, along with our experienced techs, make good, accurate ultrasound studies.  We offer vascular, breast, abdomen, pelvis, thyroid, leg, and many other types of ultrasound.  We also offer ultrasound-guided thyroid fine needle aspiration and biopsy.



We offer almost any type of x-ray you might need.  We also offer DEXA scans.



We offer resting echocardiograms and EKG.



Our fellowship-trained radiologists provide US-guided breast biospy, US-guided breast cyst aspiration, and US-guided thyroid FNA as well.



We offer EMG/NCV.